Graduate Program in Information Science

Master's Degree



The GRADUATE PROGRAM IN INFORMATION SCIENCE (PPGCI), recognized by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), in the area of Communication and Information evaluation, offer academic master's degree in order to qualify graduates from different areas of knowledge to perform research activities, higher teaching and management in the broad field of information.

The program has an area of concentration Information, Technology and Innovation, which enables the interrelationship between concepts, theories, methodologies, instruments and processes that condition the construction of information networks and their dynamics in the information flow in various social and cultural spheres. The area of concentration is strategically unfolded in complementary domains of systematized studies in two lines of research.

The line of research Production, Mediation and Information Management includes epistemological, scientific and pragmatic studies on policies, processes, procedures, activities, theories and methodologies that integrate the flow of information in the continuum of production, mediation and information management, considering the local, regional, national and transnational socio-cultural contexts.

The line of research Information, Communication and Technological Processes includes interdisciplinary, theoretical and pragmatic studies on politics, processes, procedures, activities, theories and methodologies that integrate the sociotechnical network between information, communication and technological processes, considering the local, regional, national and transnational socio-cultural contexts.

The program has the following goals:

  • provide improvement in the information field, aiming to offer students a high technical, scientific and professional standard;
  • develop an environment to encourage the production of knowledge in information, technology and innovation, based on the integration between teaching, research and extension;
  • train human resources that meet the requirements of qualification and expansion of higher education, professionalization and research in information, technology and innovation.

The program's curricular organization allows for different disciplinary arrangements, which condition the formation of graduates' profiles, according to the interests and needs of deepening in specific themes. In fact, the curriculum is composed of three compulsory subjects and three electives, which can be articulated, instituting, among others, the following profiles of graduates:

  • Profile focused on the production of information;
  • Profile focused on information mediation;
  • Profile focused on information management;
  • Profile centered on informational and innovative processes;
  • Profile focused on communication and dissemination of information;
  • Profile focused on technological processes.

The faculty is composed of professors who represent considerable diversity of training (Administration, Librariany, Information Science, Social Communication, Law, Economics, Civil Engineering, Letters and Tourism), orientation of qualification to the area of concentration and lines of research, and the relative scientific maturity expressed in intellectual production and orientation experience.

Opening hours are available in the contact tab.

PPGCI also provides information on the SIGAA Portal.

Application information

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